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Policy Information for Parents


Hall Monitor Policy

Each week MRS rents a portion of Covenant Presbyterian Church. We share the building with the church congregation and their other renters. In order to ensure an enduring, mutually supportive relationship with our hosts and with fellow renters, all enrolled families must join together in monitoring the multiple stairs and hallways that are off-limits to us. [2 elevators, 4 flights of stairs, and multiple corridors are all off limits].

Experience has shown that we must have actively engaged hall monitors stationed at specific locations at all times in order to guide children away from zones that are off-limits. Each family will participate in this joint effort. Details are here

Please join us in embracing your Hall Monitor shifts as an opportunity to participate actively in your child's education and to connect with fellow parents and students – your child's learning community. Educating our children is a team effort between parents, teachers and community. Please also consider that the more time each family spends actively participating in the life of our school, the more we all get to know one another and the more we each have a hand in guiding our school’s future – together. Find details here about our Hall Monitoring Policy.

New Students and Trial Classes

One trial lesson is offered per subject not only to all new students, but also to continuing students trying new classes or new teachers. All our teachers and classes are wonderful. Please try them all.

We encourage parents to be present in the classroom during trial classes.

To arrange your free trial, please complete our Trial Class Signup Form.  

If you decide not to enroll your child in a particular class after your trial lessons, there is no charge. If you do enroll, standard semester tuition rates apply for the full semester. If you begin mid-term, we will pro-rate the semester rate from the date you first attended through the end of the term.

Class Placement

Student placement for school-age children is determined by age and the grade the student enters in the Fall. When you enroll your child(ren), please make the appropriate selection. In exceptional cases, upon recommendation of a teacher, a student may be advised to switch to another class. 

Enrollment and Tuition

Enrollment in the Madison Russian School is per semester. Tuition is due in accordance with the payment option selected via online registration system during enrollment. Tuition will be prorated for new students who join a class in the middle of a semester. Please send requests for prorated tuition and any other tuition-related questions to


There is no refund for missed classes. Madison Russian School is not responsible for missed classes for any reason (including vacations, illnesses, driving conditions, etc.). There will not be any reimbursements in the case of weather-related class cancellations (see weather policy below).

Tuition and fees are non-refundable with limited exceptions subject to approval by the Board of Directors. Exceptions include:

  • Family relocation

  • Class cancellation because the class is undersubscribed

  • Other reasons for withdrawals may be considered on a case by case basis

 MRS  reserves the right to cancel any class that is undersubscribed.

Special Circumstances

Pro-rated refunds of tuition are granted in the case of student relocation out of the area and other exceptional circumstances, at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors. Registration fees are not refundable.

If 2+ students in a family attend 5 or more classes in a semester, the tuition for the 5th, 6th, etc. classes will be discounted by 15% per class, starting with the lowest class tuition amount.

Financial-Need Scholarships

A limited number of financial-need scholarships may be available. Please contact the Finance Director at to obtain a scholarship application prior to the beginning of a semester.


Some of the classes at the Madison Russian School assign work for students to be completed at home. It is the student’s (and their parents’) responsibility to come to class prepared to the best of their abilities.

Class Cancellations and Weather Policy

Classes may be canceled due to extreme weather conditions. In making a decision on cancellations, we take into account several factors, including the safety of families traveling to Madison from other communities and cancellations of weekend events in the Madison Metropolitan School District and other school districts surrounding Madison. If there is concern about the weather on a particular Saturday, the community will receive an email on Friday night with an update on the situation. A decision to cancel classes will be made no later than Saturday at 8 am. The decision will be communicated with the community via email, so please make sure you have your children properly registered with valid email addresses. However, if at any time, you feel it is unsafe for your family to travel to school, please stay home. Classes canceled due to weather-related reasons or circumstances outside of the Madison Russian School’s control will not be rescheduled or reimbursed. If an instructor is unavailable for a class (e.g. due to illness), every effort will be made to engage a qualified substitute teacher to lead the class and avoid class cancellations. Otherwise, the class will be made up by the teacher at a mutually agreed-upon time.

Class Conduct and Discipline

The Madison Russian School reserves the right to ask students with repeated disciplinary problems to withdraw from the school until the student’s behavior improves. If behavior concerns arise with a particular student, a teacher will first discuss the concerns with the parent and develop a plan to address the issue. If a parent has a concern that cannot be resolved by meeting with the teacher, the parent should contact the school’s administration and Board of Directors at or

Bullying and Political Discourse

The Madison Russian School does not tolerate bullying behavior of any kind. Such behavior will be stopped immediately by teachers/administration; and addressed with parents according to our policy on Conduct and Discipline above. If you become aware of bullying of any kind, the school administration asks that you bring it to our attention as soon as possible, so that our school can continue to be a place where everyone feels respected, safe and welcome. 

In addition to teaching kindness and mutual respect, our school offers a refuge from political discourse. Our learning community is diverse, representing many different points of view and sensitivities to current geo-political events. In order to ensure that each member of our community feels welcome, safe, and respected, we do not allow discussion of politics in our school. 

Please share concerns or questions with the school’s administration and board of directors at or

Health Guidelines, including Covid-19

If you or your student is unwell, please stay home. Your instructor will ensure that you receive the week's assignments so that you do not fall behind. MRS Covid-19 Guidelines are here.

Appropriate Use of Facilities

While at Madison Russian School’s locations, whether for classes or events, students and those accompanying them are expected to treat facilities respectfully. Parents are responsible for any damage caused by their child(ren).

Parent Participation

We are a volunteer-run organization and families will be asked to participate in our volunteer program. A typical volunteer assignment would be 2-4 hours of your time (e.g., helping with organizing an event). For insurance reasons, all staff and volunteers must undergo a background check.

Photo Release

The Madison Russian School staff occasionally take pictures or record videos of students in classes or during our cultural events. If you prefer that we not include photos/videos of your child(ren), please select the applicable option during class registration.

Notice of Non-Discriminatory Policy

The Madison Russian School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, parental status, or any other legally protected status, in any of its policies, programs, practices, or events, including its admission policies, financial-need scholarships, hiring and retention of staff, and volunteering processes.

Madison Russian School
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