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Policy on Hall Monitoring

Sign up for your hall monitoring shifts here:

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the $90 registration fee includes a $50 deposit for hall monitoring. This deposit will be refunded in full at the end of the year, provided that all hall monitoring shifts are fully completed. A shift is considered complete if the hall monitor arrives on time and does not leave their post for more than 10 minutes. Otherwise, the shift will not count toward this refund.

Parents work together to monitor the hallways each Saturday between 10AM and 2PM, with hall monitors stationed at three posts simultaneously. Each shift lasts two hours (10AM to 12PM; or 12 to 2PM). There will be no hall monitor stationed at our main entrance (Door #10).

The total number of shifts is calculated as below for the entire 2024-2025 academic year, including both fall and spring semesters.

Annual shift requirements per family:
Families with one (1) student:

- A student 5 years and younger, enrolled in one class, is not required to do hall monitoring shifts.
- A student 6 years and older, enrolled in one class, must complete 3 shifts per academic year.
- A student of any age, enrolled in two or more classes, must complete 5 shifts per academic year.

Families with two (2) or more students/siblings:
- Students/siblings of any age, enrolled in any number of classes, must complete a minimum of 8 shifts per academic year.

Please sign up for your hall monitoring shifts here:

Sign-up is on a first-come, first-served basis.

A map of the classes, corridors, and hall monitoring posts is available here:

We welcome non-Russian-speaking parents as hall monitors. You are members of our community, and we look forward to getting to know you!

If a family does not participate in this team effort, or does not complete the required minimum number of shifts, the $50 deposit will not be refunded. 

Please direct questions about Hall Monitoring to

Madison Russian School

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Covenant Presbyterian Church
326 S Segoe Rd, Madison, WI 53705

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